FINALLY! America Begins a Critical New Energy Chapter
It is not every day you get to witness history. As someone who has spent over a decade trying to spur progress in transitioning to clean energy and advancing solutions to climate change, today was without a doubt the most exciting day of my career.
It can sometimes be challenging to see tangible progress in our pursuit of a clean energy future, but today I was lucky enough to go out on the water and see the construction underway for America’s first offshore wind power project off Block Island. It is truly the beginning of a new energy chapter for America! Congratulations to Deepwater Wind for making it happen.
Celebrating today’s milestone with Deepwater Wind’s Clint Plummer and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Abigail Ross Hopper. Photo Credit: Clint PlummerNational Wildlife Federation was proud and honored to join US Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Abby Hopper, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, US Senators Whitehouse and Reed, US Representatives Langevin and Cicilline, key members of Rhode Island’s state government, our Rhode Island affiliate the Environment Council of Rhode Island, and so many more in celebrating this incredible milestone out on the water today. As the boat approached the construction site, the energy was palpable as everyone broke out in cheers to celebrate this incredible milestone. There were lots of hugs and high fives as we all looked out at what can and must be the beginning of something BIG. Not just the beginning of this project, which will start producing power next year, but the beginning of a major new energy chapter for America.
“Rhode Island is leading America toward a clean energy future with the construction of this project. The Block Island Wind Farm will provide pollution-free energy, keep energy dollars local, and create hundreds of new jobs – all while ensuring treasured wildlife like endangered Right Whales are protected,” said Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of National Wildlife Federation, who took part in a boat tour of the Block Island site today. “This is a great example of how offshore wind power can be a win for both people and wildlife. Now is the time for bold commitments from state leaders up and down the east coast to ensure this transformational resource plays a major role in our energy future.”
Over the next several weeks, the Block Island Wind Farm’s five foundations will be installed. The project will be complete and generating power by the end of 2016. Photo Credit: Deepwater WindIn many ways this is a Block Island story – since the five turbines that will ultimately spin off their shores will power the entire island, replacing an old, expensive and highly polluting diesel generator. This is also a Rhode Island story – given that the State’s visionary ocean planning process played a critical role in siting this project and ensuring it moved forward with strong stakeholder support. But fundamentally it is a national story – today, America has finally taken our first step toward harnessing the abundant winds that blow far offshore. It is finally happening!
Team NWF! From left to right: Jamie Rhodes, President of our RI affiliate, Environment Council of Rhode Island; Paul Beaudette, Eastern Vice Chair, NWF Board of Directors; Collin O’Mara, NWF President and CEO; Catherine Bowes, NWF Senior Manager, Climate and Energy. Photo Credit: NWFOffshore wind power offers an unmatched opportunity to diversify our energy portfolio with clean, local power. It is uniquely valuable to state energy planners because its peak production coincides with moments of peak power demand: summer afternoons and winter cold snaps. It can create tens of thousands of long-term, high-quality US jobs. It is ready to go, but it requires the political will of our elected federal and state officials to become reality. A promising example of the state commitment needed has been introduced in Massachusetts, where the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has leased enough area offshore to meet the needs of more than half of the homes in the Commonwealth. In Massachusetts and elsewhere, these will just be numbers on a page until states commit to creating a stable market capable of helping launch an industry.
A view of the first foundation to be installed, with two more on deck in the background. Photo Credit: NWFToday was an inspiring reminder that big change can happen. America can begin a new energy chapter powered by clean, inexhaustible offshore wind. It starts with one foundation for one turbine at one project off one state – but it can and must be the launching pad for a robust offshore wind industry that can power millions of homes, businesses, and vehicles all along the coast with pollution-free energy. In order for America to charge forward and ensure that offshore wind power plays a major role in our energy future, we need continued bold leadership from our federal and state leaders to commit to making it happen.
Launching a new energy industry like floating offshore wind on the West Coast comes with a number of challenges. Among these is that a multitude of projects and procedural steps … Read more
On October 29, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) successfully held the first-ever offshore wind lease sale in the Gulf of Maine. Of the eight areas that BOEM offered … Read more
To tackle the climate crisis, we must transition to responsibly developed renewable energy such as offshore wind. Because no form of energy generation is without impact, offshore wind projects will … Read more