Trenton, NJ – The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities today made a historic announcement that begins the process of accepting offshore wind energy applications for projects totaling up to 1,100 megawatts. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announced the request for proposals last Thursday, with future solicitations of 1,200 MW each in 2020 and 2022. New Jersey has made America’s largest state commitments to offshore wind. This announcement was met with broad positive praise from a diverse range of organizations.

Anglers for Offshore Wind

“Recreational anglers understand that responsibly developed offshore wind power can reduce pollution that’s harming fishing. Creating underwater habitat that attracts gamefish and holds them off New Jerseys coast longer. Anglers need guaranteed fishing access to the turbine hotspots. Developers and government agencies need to commit to monitoring fisheries impacts before during and after construction. We look forward to working with the recreational community to explore specific turbine siting selection in the near future.”

Captain Paul Eidman, New Jersey Representative, Anglers for Offshore Wind Power


“Offshore wind development is indispensable in the fight against climate change and air pollution, and can be done in a way that benefits workers and communities and protects fragile ecosystems. The administration’s new commitment to offshore wind is an important step in the right direction.”

The Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director; GreenFaith.

Jersey Coast Anglers Association

“After years of unnecessary delay, Governor Murphy is leading New Jersey on a path to clean energy,” stated Tom Fote, Legislative Director, Jersey Coast Anglers Association. “Anglers across New Jersey, especially along the shore, want to be full partners with the Murphy Administration on responsible offshore wind development.  We need to move forward now to protect New Jersey’s precious marine ecosystem that provides amazing fishing opportunities.”

Work Environment Committee

“We applaud Governor Murphy’s announcement today that New Jersey is on course to reach its goal of 3,500MW of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030,” said Debra Coyle McFadden, acting executive director for the New Jersey Work Environment Council. “Responsible offshore wind development can translate into expansive job creation which must go beyond construction and operation. As New Jersey looks to green light offshore wind projects, preference should be given to sourcing materials in New Jersey or regionally to bolster manufacturing jobs and grow our local economy with good paying jobs. ”

American Littoral Society

“The impacts of climate change require us to be bold in our development of offshore wind energy while at the same time protecting our marine ecosystems, which are made vulnerable by an everchanging ocean.” says Helen Henderson, Ocean Program Manager for the American Littoral Society. “New Jersey has the opportunity to show that it can successfully thread the needle between protecting our marine habitats and responsibly siting offshore wind through smart ocean planning”.

Clean Water Action

“Today’s decision by the Board of Public Utilities demonstrates that the future of clean energy is here and now,” stated Amy Goldsmith, State Director, Clean Water Action. “It is poetic justice that Governor Murphy’s aggressive steps to advance offshore wind happens to be on the same day that the dirty, dangerous Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant is closing permanently.  This demonstrates we can phase out dirty energy and ramp up clean renewables.”

Environment NJ

“We’re facing rising seas, intensifying storms, and unprecedented health threats because we’ve relied so long on dirty energy sources.  But sitting right here next to us is the Atlantic Ocean, and offshore wind can provide a massive source of clean, renewable energy. Under Gov. Murphy’s Administration, New Jersey is jumpstarting our offshore wind industry by making bold pledges – and then working to achieve them. We have seen a breakneck pace at the BPU to move forward with offshore wind after the inertia of the Christie era, and it couldn’t be more welcome,” said Doug O’Malley, director of Environment New Jersey.

League of Conservation Voters

“Thanks to the BPU vote today, New Jersey is one giant step closer to becoming the greenest state in America. Offshore wind is a renewable energy that reduces pollution and creates good local jobs. There is no time to waste in order to achieve the Governor’s goal of 100% clean energy by 2050, and the BPU is working hard to ensure New Jersey is fully taking advantage of its offshore wind potential,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.

National Wildlife Federation

“Gov. Murphy has set a bold but achievable timeline for powering New Jersey’s communities and economy with clean offshore wind energy. With the technology proven, prices falling, and the climate and pollution threat of fossil fuels more clear than ever, the time has come for aggressive action on offshore wind power. We look forward to working with the Murphy administration to ensure that all projects built to power New Jersey are developed responsibly with the highest standards of wildlife protection in place every step of the way.”

Curtis Fisher, Regional Executive Director, the National Wildlife Federation’s Northeast Regional Center

Natural Resources Defense Council

“Governor Murphy has set one of the nation’s most ambitious goals for the deployment of clean energy,” said Dale Bryk, a senior advocate for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “With this action today, New Jersey is showing that it’s serious about making that goal a reality. Offshore wind has enormous potential for the Garden State, promising economic benefits, innovative job opportunities and much-needed reductions of carbon and other harmful pollutants.  New Jersey can and should develop its rich offshore wind resource hand-in-hand with protecting our ocean and wildlife and we look forward to working with the Murphy administration to realize that vision.”

NJ Audubon

“New Jersey Audubon is excited that the BPU is continuing the process to bring responsibly developed offshore wind to our state,” said Eric Stiles, President and CEO of New Jersey Audubon. “We look forward to continuing our work with the administration to ensure New Jersey is taking all possible actions to fight climate change and sea level rise, while also respecting and protecting wildlife and habitat.”

NJ Conservation Foundation & Rethink Energy

“We applaud the Murphy Administration for taking bold action to make New Jersey a national leader on environmentally responsible offshore wind development.  We need a rapid transition away from polluting fossil fuels to clean, safe, renewable energy like offshore wind that will reduce harmful emissions and create thousands of good, local jobs.”

Tom Gilbert, Campaign Director, NJ Conservation Foundation & Rethink Energy NJ

New Jersey Sierra Club

“This is first major step by the BPU towards making offshore wind a reality for New Jersey. By opening solicitations, there will be multiple wind companies competing against each other. The BPU must pick the best project, one that is most cost effective, generates the most electricity for the dollar, and has the most environmental benefits. Wind energy is renewable, clean, and thousands creates jobs,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “As we continue to rebuild our coast in the wake of multiple storm events we need to invest in clean, renewable energy sources that do not contribute to climate change. After 8 years of delay from Governor Christie, the BPU is now going out for solicitation of other wind companies. By picking the most effective wind project for New Jersey, they are making offshore wind a reality for our state.”

Amber Hewett • September 19, 2018