How NWF Gets Involved
As these actions do not include a comment period, NWF reviews the Final EIS and ROD to determine what additional advocacy may be required outside of the BOEM process, including … Continue reading
Through the Record of Decision (ROD), BOEM and any other participating agencies, will determine whether to approve, approve with modification, or reject the developer’s Construction and Operations Plan based on … Continue reading
How NWF Gets Involved:
As these actions do not include a comment period, NWF reviews the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and ROD to determine what additional advocacy may be required outside of the … Continue reading
The principal concern in developing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is to address public comments on the draft EIS in a responsive and responsible way. The FEIS includes a … Continue reading
How NWF Gets Involved:
NWF reviews the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to evaluate whether or recommendations during EIS Scoping were incorporated. We’ll often reiterate unfulfilled requests from our Scoping comments in our Draft … Continue reading
As required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), BOEM uses the information gained from scoping as well as agency expertise to assess the impacts of all phases of an offshore … Continue reading
How NWF Gets Involved
NWF’s engages during the Environmental Impact Statement Scoping (EIS Scoping) by highlighting potential impacts of offshore wind construction and operations on important resources which BOEM should include in its analysis. … Continue reading
Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), BOEM is required to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the impacts of construction, operation & maintenance, and decommissioning of a proposed action, … Continue reading