Little State Making Big Progress on Offshore Wind

Growing up in the Ocean State, I spent the majority of my summer by the beaches of Narragansett.  My grandmother had a beach house on Great Island.  From my grandmother’s … Continue reading

Speak UP for Offshore Wind in Massachusetts!

Growing up in Massachusetts and throughout my adult life, I have spent countless days on the coast of the South Shore in every season. Whether on the beach or out … Continue reading

Maryland Circle of Support for Offshore Wind

  In just a few short days, legislators in Annapolis will likely vote to determine if we transition to clean, renewable offshore wind energy or if we maintain the status … Continue reading

“I love offshore wind”

The title is a quote from our member Randy, who came out yesterday on Valentine’s Day to show some love for Clean Energy! The room was full yesterday at a … Continue reading

Video: Share the Love for Offshore Wind

On Valentine’s Day hundreds of advocates from across Maryland gathered in Annapolis to share the love for offshore wind.  Appropriately-sited offshore wind will help Maryland achieve its renewable energy goals, reduce emissions, and … Continue reading

Offshore Wind Gets Moving in Massachusetts

There was a lot of excitement this afternoon at the Wind Technology Testing Facility in Charlestown MA. NWF and other local and national groups were present as state and federal … Continue reading

Weekly News Roundup – September 16, 2011

Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s National Wildlife Federation news: Loggerhead Sea Turtles Need Protections Enforced September … Continue reading

Salazar Announces Major Step Forward on Offshore Wind

Today, Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar joined Governor Lincoln Chafee and Rhode Island’s Congressional delegation for a press conference to announce a key step forward in the process to … Continue reading

Climate Capsule: Turn Down the Heat

This week’s stories: Highlight of the Week: Wrong Pipeline, Wrong Oil Quote: Congressman Steny H. Hoyer Economic Story of the Week: Energy-Saving LEDs , Unstoppable Editorial of the Week: Sizzle … Continue reading

Offshore Wind is a Wise Investment

America’s offshore wind resources are immense, and it is time to get serious about bringing this significant, domestic clean energy source ashore.  National Wildlife Federation applauds Senators Carper (D-DE) and … Continue reading

Climate Capsule Week of February 14th

Welcome to the redesigned and online Climate Capsule, National Wildlife Federation’s weekly climate change newsletter! I look forward to any suggestions and feedback about the new look and feel, which … Continue reading

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